Tourmaline: Birthstone For October Infographic

 We all are well aware of the benefits of wearing gemstones. If we wear gemstones according to our birth month, it becomes more beneficial for us. For those born in the month of October, they can either wear tourmaline gemstone or opal gemstone. Here we will be focusing on tourmaline gemstone. Gemstones not only help us in gaining success and prosperity, but we gain mental peace and our physical health improves as well. So it is important to wear gemstones according to our birth month to gain more benefits.

If you are looking for jewellery with real diamonds and gemstones, you should check the website of AG & Sons. They provide hallmarked and certified jewellery and have different varieties and designs of jewellery. You will get gemstone engagement rings UK, platinum diamond rings, diamond half eternity rings, diamond eternity rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets having diamonds and gemstones and so on. 

The iron-rich tourmaline is found in the shades of black, magnesium-rich varies in the shades from brown to yellow and the lithium-rich is available in different shades such as blue, green, yellow, red, pink and so on. Tourmalines are either bicoloured or multicoloured.

Important Properties

One of the most important properties of tourmaline is that it is the highest energy crystal in the world. This gemstone also emits negative ions and far infrared rays. Apart from that the gemstone generates an electric charge. Generally, to enhance the colour of this gemstone, heat treatment is used. You will not find it in exact shame shades. This gemstone has pyroelectric properties and hence it attracts and repels heat ashes. It is because of this, this gemstone is also called “Aschentrekkers” and “Ceylonese Magnet”. This gemstone is a great stress reliever, improves the immune system, purifies blood and stimulates blood circulation.

Below are some information regarding different types of tourmaline, important facts and how to take care of this gemstone. 

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